Thursday, March 20, 2008


As you can see I did get the names that Payton painted over the weekend hung on the walls in their bedrooms. Jayden's room is ready and waiting for him to occupy. This is our last day before we start our travel to be united with our precious son and we have butterflies in our stomach. Please lift our family, the Mann's, the Jones', and the Forbes up to the throne of our Lord for safety in travel, in the bonding process, and pray also for these children that God has so graciously entrusted to us. Jayden, Eden, Emme Grace, and Caleb.

1 comment:

Doug and Melody Kemp said...

Wonderful room!!
I know Jayden will love it.
We can't wait for your return home.
We will be praying for ya'll each & every day. I know God will be protecting ya'll and keeping ya'll safe.
Ya'll will be in our hearts!
Love ya'll
The Kemps,(Doug & Melody & Zoey