Monday, March 24, 2008

He's Ours

As of about 11 am we officially adopted Jayden. We sign and sealed all the documents. The only paper work left is to get him a passport and visa. We'll do that Monday. We went to Wal-Mart today it it was three stories underground. No air conditioner...very hot, and very humid. We shopped for 45 minutes, which was 40 too many for me. As you can see from the outside of Wal-Mart is was raining today. More later.


Anonymous said...

I feel very happy for you and Jayden, but why not one of the thousands of orphans from your own country rather than from one which is already wary of outsiders swooping to snatch up their children? I guess we can't expect much from a country which idolises the likes of Angela Jolie. Sorry, not meaning to ruin your moment - it's just that it seems strange why people identify with the Chinese so much when there's so many children at home...

Anonymous said...

Terri! Look at the light in his eyes as he laughs with his Mommy! I am so proud for you. God Led you to Jayden and he will bless you family with his presence. Can't wait to see you guys in person!

Love you!


Deb Box said...

What a joy to see pictures of your family WITH JAYDEN!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I know you will be so happy to get home and settle down to your new life together. Keep the pictures coming till then!
Deb Box

Anonymous said...

Terri and Brian, Thank you so much much for sharing with us the most wonderful time in your family's life! I share your joy in this journey and now he is with you - Praise God!! I loved the picture of Jayden asleep on Brian's chest, that's a vision to treasure!! I know yall are so anxious to get Jayden home so that he can meet his family and everyone. Our love and prayers are with you, Debbi

P. S. Just think, hopefully, you will soon be free of paperwork!!